Privacy Policy

Game of Our Lives Foundation

Game of Our Lives is committed to protecting your privacy online. The Game of Our Lives staff are members too, and we treat your privacy as we do our own. When you use our website or communicate with us, we collect and store personal information from you so we can better serve you and the Game of Our Lives mission.

We wrote this Privacy Policy to let you know how we treat that information - like your name, contact information, and issues that are important to you – and to show you all the ways we work hard to keep it safe and private. We encourage you to take the time to read it.



Game of Our Lives is  a social enterprise with a mission to activate 1 billion people through football, music and social activism and the participation of people like you is crucial to achieving our mission. To keep the network thriving, growing, and effective, we collect information from users so we can more efficiently and creatively communicate with and mobilize our members, create, promote and fund our campaigns, interface with decision-makers, campaign targets, and the media, and develop new, more effective methods of outreach to grow the Game of Our Lives network.


We collect, store, and use the following personal information you directly give us when you take action online or contact us.

Personal information we collect when you take action:

Your name, email address, language preference, IP address, comments, personalized messages to targets, and any other information you share when you join Game of Our Lives or do a task.

Details of any donations you make via Game of Our Lives, including the amount, currency, and method of payment. We do not store your credit card information or banking details -- that’s done through our payment processors.

The history of petitions you sign or share with others and petitions you create on our Community Petitions platform.

Your responses to optional polls or surveys that we may ask you to complete.

Other information you voluntarily submit in a form on the site or that you share when you contact us.

We also collect from all visitors:

Technical information about your use of the website, browser type and version, and operating system.

Your IP Address.

If you are under the age of 12, please ask your parent/guardian for their consent before submitting your personal information to this site. If we have reason to believe that someone is underage and we have collected their personal information without proper consent, we will delete that information in a reasonable period of time.


We use the personal information we collect from you to shape Game of Our Lives campaigns, communicate with decision makers, refine your experience, improve the site, innovate our technology, and optimize ways to forward the Game of Our Lives mission.

Namely, if you sign, share, or donate, we use your personal information to:

Send you information about our work via any channels you’ve consented to: email. 

Highlight your participation in a task by displaying your account profile.

Give you opportunities to get involved in tasks, campaigns, fundraisers, and special projects, to provide you information about Game of Our Lives’s work, and to make it easier for you to share with your social networks.

Notify decision makers, political candidates, news publications, and the general public when you sign a petition, send a message using our tools, or otherwise join a petition campaign.

Verify your identity and send you an email to thank you for your task & profile actions.

We may use the personal information of all visitors of the site to:

Answer your queries.

Administer & improve the site and optimize our technology.

Please note that when you action a task, or take any action on this site, we create a virtual user account for you where you can update your personal contact information and preferences so that we can better communicate with you to achieve the Game of Our Lives mission. You can control your preferences on your profile page.


Game of Our Lives does not rent or sell your personal information and we will only share it with the parties described below, as required by law, or with trusted third parties with your permission. We do however reserve the right to collaborate on the sale of anonymized user data with credible partner organizations in a way that ensures that you cannot be identified or targeted commercially, in order to increase the financial viability of the platform and achieve the goals of the Game of Our Lives Foundation.


Game of Our Lives is a global organization with members and staff around the world, so your information may be transferred and stored across borders.

We use standard industry practices, such as firewalls and encryption, to safeguard your personally identifiable information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, misuse, or destruction. All donations, including the transmission of payment details and other personal information, are handled over secure, encrypted connections. We take reasonable steps to ensure that cross-border data transfers comply with existing data protection laws.

We hold on to your personal information for as long as is necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was collected, unless otherwise required by law. If you request that we stop sending you updates and other communications or delete your information, we will honor your request and keep the minimum amount of information possible to prevent fraud and to help ensure that you are not contacted again.


You can review and update your personal information via your profile page, or simply contact us if you have other data access requests. You also have the right to:

Restrict or Erase: You can ask us to limit our use of your information or ask us to delete your personal information from our records if there is no compelling reason for us to hold on to it.

Object: You can object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal information, including direct marketing and profiling.

Access or Take your data: You can ask us to confirm whether we are processing your personal information by emailing You can also make a reasonable request for a copy of that information or to have it transferred to another data controller (to the extent possible).

Please note that where we rely on your consent to use your personal information, all users worldwide have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This includes the option to unsubscribe from our email list at any time or to contact us to request to be excluded from our online campaign promotion lists or email messaging.


When we process your personal information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, we may rely on one or more of the following legal bases:

Consent : We will ask for your consent to use your information to send you details about our campaigns, fundraisers, and action opportunities, for targeted advertising and profiling, and if you ever share sensitive personal information with us.

Contractual relationships : When you donate to us, or otherwise enter into a contract with us, we’ll need to process your personal information.

Legal obligations : When strictly necessary, we’ll process your personal information due to a binding legal obligation on us.

Legitimate interests : So long as our use is fair, balanced, and doesn’t unduly impact your rights, we will collect and process your personal information when we have a legitimate interest that serves the Game of Our Lives mission, our services, or our activities.


To further our mission, Game of Our Lives may collect, store, and process the personal information of third parties for public interest purposes: to report on matters of public concern, to protect freedom of expression and democracy, and to equip decision makers with critical information and analysis.

For these purposes, we may collect, alone or in collaboration with trusted third parties, individual’s name, contact, and other identifying information, images, photographs, audio, or video, social media account profiles and information posted or shared via such accounts.

We may collect such data from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, publicly available information, information provided by Game of Our Lives members or others participating in our work, social media platforms and APIs, research databases, fact-checking organizations, and platform analysis software. We’ll keep such data secure and review its retention to ensure its processing remains necessary to our public interest purposes.

Any person about whom we may hold personal information in the European Union and European Economic Area and Switzerland, has the same rights as users as detailed in How can you update and correct your personal information? However, we may not be able to comply with a request where these rights are subject to an exception, for example where we are processing data for journalistic or academic purposes. Other exceptions include where the use of the personal data is in connection with the prevention and detection of crime or where it is legally privileged.

We will disclose third party data, in the following circumstances: if there is a compelling reason as described above in Do We Share Your Information?; as described below in More on Protection of Avaaz and Others; or if aligned with our public interest purposes, we may share data with social media platforms, media organizations, fact-checking organizations, decision-makers, and regulatory and law enforcement agencies.


We believe you should have a reasonable expectation of privacy in information you disclose online that is not clearly intended for public dissemination. Where possible, we may attempt to defend this principle even though most jurisdictions currently take the opposition position.

We may attempt not to disclose material in response to overzealous or inappropriate requests. When we have a good faith belief that the law compels us to do so or when we think justice would be served, we may cooperate with law enforcement authorities or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose personal information of any user of this site. Should this happen we will attempt to provide you with notice before we disclose your personal information, unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise as described above in Do We Share Your Information?


We may provide links to other websites. This Privacy Policy covers only Game of Our Lives sites. We have no control over external websites and are not responsible for their content or privacy practices. Please read the terms of use and privacy policies for any third party sites you visit via links from this site.


If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so directly by clicking the unsubscribe instructions via the email itself, or via your profile page, or by emailing:


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, your personal information, or data protection on this site, you can contact us. For your protection, we may only share and update the personal information associated with the specific email address that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before doing so. We will comply with such requests in a reasonably timely manner. Please do not send sensitive personal information, passwords, banking details, or credit/debit card details via email.

Our Data Protection Officer can be reached when you Contact Us, or when you write to: